It’s an utterly futile act, prognosticating a season’s snowfall in September, but who can help not getting a little excited when winter forecast emails start popping up in your inbox? So, if you are a sucker for Pacific water temps and how they theoretically will affect the snowfall here in Aspen
Precipitation is expected to have an Equal Chance of being below average or above average.
El Niño or La Niña?
For the upcoming 2021-2022 winter season, there's a ~50% chance that water temperatures will reach below-average (blue bar = La Niña), a less than 10% chance that water temperatures will be above-average (red bar = El Niño), and a ~40% chance that water temperatures will be near-average (grey bar = Neutral).
These model forecasts provide us with a signal for a La Niña event during the 2021-2022 winter season. (EL Nino is the one we want unfortunately.)
The official Climate Prediction Center outlook is similar to these model forecasts, calling for a 70% chance for La Niña to continue through the 2021-2022 winter season.
Lastly, when all else fails, we always have this:
Will it be a snowy winter in Aspen this year?